Giving the best possible chance for the healthy future of our children is the responsibility of all of us. We can only succeed in that if we all unite around this mission. Quality education does not begin or end in school. The education system is made up of all of us, parents, neighbors, teachers, schools, companies, media, organizations and the community as a whole.
We also make a chain of support together – through the understanding and support of parents, teachers, mentors, the closer and wider community, which supports children on the path of development and together with them creates an environment in which children want to live, discover and fulfill their talents and potentials. There are numerous organizations and individuals who are already working hard and doing their best with the same goal, and there are those who have the desire but do not know where to start or whom to turn to. Let’s combine our knowledge, experience and impact, and be a team that puts education, children and their future in the center of attention.
We exist to be the catalyst for the creation of such a society.